Day 5, Part 2 — Prepare for Battle With These Sober Tools
Do You Have a Plan?
Sober Journey Day 5, Part 2
I have a slew of sober tools that work for me because I have a lot of experience to draw from.
It’s Day 5. I’m doing well. But I’ve had a lot of Day 5s. In fact, I usually struggle to make it to Day 9 before giving up.
I’m more prepared this time with some tried and tested sober tools.
Feel free to steal from me…or come up with your own!
The Time I Didn’t Have a Plan
A couple summers ago, I made it to Day 40. I was so proud of myself and was planning to keep going. I was doing The 40-Day Sugar Fast (affiliate link) by Wendy Speake, and it was amazing. Of course I was fasting alcohol along with sugar.
But I didn’t have a plan for what to do once that was over.
So I slipped.
I was so mad at myself. I was growing deeper in my faith. I’d stopped watching TV and started going to bed early so I could get up early to pray and read. I had even lost a bunch of weight. (NOT something you should expect or attempt initially when trying to get sober!)
But I didn’t have a plan for after that fast.
So here I am again on Day 5 for the umpteenth time. I know I can do this because when I do, life is So. Much. Better.
Some Sober Tools You Can Steal
Let’s be honest though. Even though this time around has been much easier, I’m craving something. Not alcohol necessarily. But something.
It’s like being on any diet but much, much worse. It’s not just hunger or thirst, but a mental and emotional addiction as well. It feels hard to be so alert and aware.
So I’ll use these sober tools as needed. Because I’m not drinking today.
When you’re struggling the most, it’s good to sleep. Go get in bed. It’s okay. I give you permission. Doesn’t matter what time it is.
Find a Hobby — Use Your Hands
Any hobby at all to keep your mind and your hands occupied. Binge watch something on Netflix if you have to, but also have something in your hands.
Get one of your kids’ fidget spinners, learn how to knit, color, or do a word search. Learn how to finger knit and make long strands of garland you can decorate your house with for Christmas. Stay busy in some physical way. This will help.
Find a Replacement Drink
There is an oral and tactile addiction that goes along with this. Find something fizzy to drink or something hot that you can hold in your hand and have to sip slowly. I just discovered a lemon ginger kombucha at Costco that is lovely. It’s my current favorite replacement drink.
Listen to Upbeat, Inspiring Music
Worship music also helps me. When I’m feeling weak, putting on some good songs about overcoming and being victorious help me remember my strength is in Christ, not myself. They may not lift you completely out of the funk at this stage, but they will at least even you out.
If you’re not into Jesus music, I find Ariana Grande’s “Break Free” to also be motivating.
Find something peppy and something that says,
“In your face, alcohol! I’m not drinking today, and you can’t make me!”
(Sometimes we need to talk…or yell…at alcohol. Out loud. I give you permission.)
Do not listen to something sad and lonely. Bad idea!
These sober tools work for me. Your experience will most likely be different. So find what works for you.
After you have some sober tools to draw from, MAKE A PLAN peppering in the appropriate tools!
Always Have a Plan…and a Backup Plan!
How do these sober tools work in real life?
Here’s my game plan for the rest of the evening.
(1) I’m going to go down to the hotel restaurant and get something to eat. (I was at a work convention when I wrote this.) Maybe a salad or a burger. I’m pretty hungry.
(2) I will NOT look at the drink menu for any reason. I have a book on my phone, and it’s a page-turner (screen-flipper?). So I’ll read while I eat.
(3) If I’m not completely stuffed, I’m going to treat myself to a milkshake, which I will take back to my room. (4) I’ll enjoy that while watching something worthless on TV. (Something that will NOT make me anxious or sad.)
(5) Then I’m going to go to sleep. (6) If I’m not tired yet, I will read some more. I have several books with me to choose from.
What If You’re Not a Reader — More Sober Tools
If you’re not a reader, first of all, I’m sorry. How dull your life must be! (Joking…neither my man nor my beloved daughter are readers, and it is the greatest disappointment of my life…also joking.)
Secondly, you’ve got to find something to do that keeps your mind occupied! Write your story, journal, exercise, play an instrument, play solitaire. Playing solitaire on my phone helped me get through the first 10 days of my 40 day stint last summer. That little game has become a life saver.
What else can you do? Pray! Praying is never a waste of time. Start praying for anything you can think of including yourself, but don’t get stuck on yourself. Pray for others too. Or if you’re in public, pray silently in your head. You don’t have to be alone to pray!
Don’t want to talk to Jesus? Call your mom or someone else who will have a 30-minute conversation with you without blinking an eye. Just make sure it’s a positive, uplifting person you’re calling. (And they don’t need to know that you’re using them as a sober tool…that they’re a distraction for you. It can be our little secret!)
You get the point. You must have a plan and you must have things to do and back up things to do and then some more back up things to do. If you find yourself in a lull that hasn’t been planned or thought through, guess what you will gravitate toward to fill in the space?
Strategize. This IS a war. Make no mistake.
Alcohol is the enemy and it’s been winning a long time. It isn’t going to give up easily.
Don’t go into battle blind and unprepared.
A Recap of Some Sober Tools
Is it odd that I feel nervous to leave you now? Maybe I’m feeling nervous to stop typing and make my next move. But I have a plan. I already told you what it is. So I’m going to go do that now.
What is your plan? Say it out loud before you leave this article. Or better yet, write it down.
Do you have other sober tools you can add to this list? Please share in the comments for all our benefit!